Go to the link here: Crossroads at Sunset This Facebook page was created as an owner, tenant, and customer communication portal. This was found crucial during the pandemic when businesses were either open, deemed essential, or closed. No marketing campaigns have launched, however weekly posts have been abundant and consistent. I directed and designed the Crossroads at Sunset property branding, website, and visual imagery.

Go to the link here: Sell 2 Close This Facebook page was created as a marketing hub utilizing Hootsuite’s Ad Espresso integration. Creating a fluent marketing apparatus at the ready. I directed and designed all the company branding and graphic imagery including 4K video productions created with drone photography and professional stock footage creating stunning digital marketing tools. Click to view Sell 2 Close on Twitter

Go to the link here: attract LLC This Facebook page was created soley for social media presence on the platform. The page focuses on posts and shares in relevance to the digital marketing agency's industry. I directed and designed the entire brand, visual imagery, and themes. The Gotham City-inspired work has gained praise from new and former clients who desire their branding to have a similar bold and technical tone. Click to view on LinkedIn

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